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Lighting Effect


Social responsibility is an integral part of our policies, organizational culture, strategies, structures and operations. It accounts for the impact of decisions and activities on society and the environment with complete transparency.

Towards a Carbon-Neutral economy
iGuzzini, as a company in the Fagerhult group, takes part actively in the Science Based Target Initiative, by intensifying efforts to address the climate emergency by adopting "scientific" business objectives (Science Based Targets) focused on maximising the input towards limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C as set out in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

The Fagerhult Group's sustainability agenda, named Positive change for better living”,was launched in early 2022 and covers a broad ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) programme.

The Fagerhult Group is currently taking the next step and is committed to involvement in the SBT initiative to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2050, supporting the goal of the "European Green Deal".

Circular economy

We collaborate with Enel X, the innovative business in the Enel Group which supports companies in the energy efficiency field through a portfolio of value-added products and services to encourage a more independent and sustainable use of energy, in drawing up the Circular Economy Report.

It is an assessment model used to analyse the level of maturity in the implementation and sharing of circular economy principles applied to corporate business, energy sources and consumption systems. It applies the methods at the basis of the certification scheme Circular Certification® Energy Site e Corporate accredited by Accredia, which will allow iGuzzini to proceed with its application for certification in the circular economy field.

The Report assesses 8 distinct areas, such as: Design / Procurement / Energy consumption / Production waste / Logistics and distribution / Sales models / Post-consumer / Corporate approach to the circular economy.

The Report also assesses circularity in the use of energy at the Recanati site. Equally, it identifies a roadmap of effective solutions to improve energy performance. The company's overall performance shows excellent levels, especially in terms of design and the corporate approach to sustainability issues.

We transform waste into value
Thanks to the "Energy circularity" report, we took up suggestion to improve the valorisation of production waste, starting a new collaboration with Sfridoo® by accessing the Circular Economy network.

The Headquarters in Recanati (ITALY) achieved the "Close to Zero Resources sent to Landfill" target for 2021: a rate of diverting waste from landfills of 95%, with 14% recourse to thermal treatment with energy recovery.
waste transformed into resources (diversion rate)
Tonnes/year of waste transformed into resources

Industrial symbiosis
iGuzzini is part of the ENEA project to promote corporate symbiosis between 31 industrial realities in the Marches Region. The aim is to promote networking and collaboration in synergy while operating in different sectors and using different skills in collaboration with the University of Camerino, a partner in the project.
Industrial symbiosis, through an integrated approach, embraces dissimilar and traditionally separate industries operating in different production sectors with separate supply chains. The aim is to create a network that promotes innovative strategies and competitive advantages by exchanging resources (material, energy, water and/or by-products, skills, logistics, etc.). Key aspects that enable industrial symbiosis therefore include collaboration between companies and opportunities for synergy in an appropriate geographical and economic setting.

Realise to understand

iGuzzini became part of the Fagerhult Group in 2019 and has adopted its Guidelines and Code of Conduct, which integrate the principles in our own Code of Conduct.

We also share the Code of Conduct with our business partners and the supply chain. They are required to adopt and implement the principles embodied in this mission statement.

The Code of Conduct, among other things, requires operating as a reliable and honest group it full respect of its commitments.

We believe in long-term business relationships which, together with our partners, lay the foundations for achieving solid results, with full respect for people, society and the environment – entirely in line with our Sustainability Policies.

In 2021, iGuzzini officially joined the Sustainability Report of the Fagerhult Group, which involves third-party audits. We took part in the selection and implementation of a web platform for reporting which helped us eliminate manual activities by switching to a much more efficient digital solution.

Our Sustainability Report
We have chosen to include our Sustainability Report in our Annual Report as an integral part of our daily business.

Download the Annual Report (PDF)


In 2021 we began undergo the international Ecovadis sustainability assessment and earned the Gold Medal.

Sinesgy (a CRIF Company) has recognized the iGuzzini Group's Supply Chain as having a “high level of sustainability” (A rated). Synesgy is the first worldwide network dedicated to the ESG sector for Large Corporates and SMEs. It seeks to increase awareness and transparency in the production chain processes.

iGuzzini is among the top 100 sustainable companies in Italy receiving the Sustainability Award for the best improvement in its ESG rating. The ranking, promoted by Kon Group and Credit Suisse, with media partners Forbes, is issued by ALTIS Alta Scuola Impresa & Società Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Reprisk.

iGuzzini has obtained Top Employer certification for many years, with special attention to Ethics, Diversity&Inclusion and Sustainability.

We also obtained recognition as a "Leader of Sustainability" in 2022 from Sole24Ore financial newspaper and were assessed to confirm alignment with Cribis ESG standards.