The sun rises every morning on the world of Valheim, and every evening it disappears behind the mountains. The sky changes colour according to the time of day, shadows grow and shrink, bodies of water reflect the dazzling
white light of midday or a romantic red band at sunset. It is no coincidence that various users have built
sundials. At night the moon and stars shine. Clouds cross the sky, and fogs and mists rise from the ground or stretches of water to accentuate the changing atmospheres. A range of different weather conditions also alternate during the course of the day.
Many players have recounted their experiences on social forums and platforms. On Reddit, TipYourSupport
described with real excitement the voyage across the ocean he made with his band of characters. “There’s a million things to say about this game”, he wrote: “the way the boats rock while docked in choppy weather. Tide behaviour, storm behaviour[...] I’m so excited and this is only early access.”
His band of Vikings sailed to an unknown continent beyond the horizon with a river cutting straight through it, so they sailed along that, too. TipYourSupport continues by saying:
[Cercavo] di tenere la barca nel mezzo del fiumiciattolo avvolto dalla nebbia, mentre i miei amici tiravano frecce dalla barca verso riva per difenderci dall’arrivo di nemici appena visibili. Da molto tempo non provavo così tanto entusiasmo per un’esplorazione in compagnia dei miei amici. Era inquietante ed emozionante; tutti i dettagli dei cambiamenti meteorologici sono stati curati in modo spettacolare!